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To live in harmony and with happiness we must carry out activities that provide us with intellectual and spiritual growth, these are the workshops  that I share. 
Cycle Closing

How to face your fears
Schedules and Relaxations
Singleness  in fullness
Key of Abundance
Living in Balance
Encounter with my Soul Mate
Energy Divorce
Holistic Therapist Training
Healing Sounds
Healing Rituals
Relaxing massage
Recognize you

You can  Observing and thus creating awareness of the capacities and abilities that you possess as a human being in a natural way will help you to Recognize the energy that lies in you, in this workshop  you'll learn  to live fully.


You will obtain the tools to be able to apply the reflexology technique and improve your personal physical, mental and emotional state, as well as that of your peers.


Known  simple steps to  manage to find you on this path of  self knowledge.  Balance your body, your mind and your soul, join  with the universe.

Stress management 

Different techniques are shown  to reach a state of physical and emotional balance and thus be able to better handle life circumstances.


We show you an effective method to find the answers to your doubts, to discover your essence and know where your potential is.

Reiki I, II, III and  master's degree

Reiki is a discipline that helps us to become aware of  the energy that surrounds us and in this way transmit it  through concentration, proper breathing, and the technique of placing  hands.  


Iridology is the science that studies the health of the human body through the iris, which  it is the window to the rest of the body,  you will be able to identify and locate diseases and ailments.  


Magnetic dowsing

Based on the teachings of Dr. Benoytosk Battacharyya and his book Magnetic Dowsing, in this  workshop shows the way of using and working mechanics of the pendulum in daily life.

Bach flowers

You will learn to know and diagnose the personality and know what  flower is the one that corresponds to balance the physical, mental and emotional state of the patient.

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Live in Consciousness
is Recognize that
Within you lies the energy to live in fullness

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